Posted by: Lea | June 4, 2016

Saturday June 4th 2016, 9am

Well, it has been a while since we had anything to post here – we’ve had regular showers, so there is enough water in the tanks, but we haven’t had any big rain, and the creek has been looking pretty dry recently, which is pretty weird when the land around it is green.

But, heavy rain has been forecast across the region for today and, as promised, the heavens opened around dawn and down came the rain.

We’ve been down the road around 9:30 and had a look around – here’s the report:

The fourth bridge

The Fourth Bridge is still well away from going under – that new bridge is a beautiful piece of work and there is still plenty of height under it.

The Green Bridge still has a couple of feet to go (we forgot the brolly, so didn’t stop there).

The drain from the cliff above the green bridge is still operating very poorly – the run off runs onto the bridge before it flows over into the creek. Cant be good for the bridge’s structural integrity.

Kirk Lane, from above

The new bridge on the Low Bridge has helped as it isn’t under yet, but its going under soon – they just didn’t make it high enough, as we said.

Kirk Lane bridge, from below – note that its almost under

Because the Low Bridge isnt under, we were actually able to get further down to get more pictures.

The first bridge

The first bridge, as is normal, is coping well with the water flow.

Rainfall – BOM says we’ve had over 100 ml! Very impressive

Click the image to see the current rainfall record

The creek height measurer took a while to turn on, but got there in the end (it didn’t really spike like that)

Click the image to see the current reading

The low bridge would normally be under around the 1 metre line, so this is a really big improvement! But it seems a shame to put so much into the fixed cost of starting the project, and not paying the little bit extra to raise the bridge another foot.

So, Rain! Exciting stuff. Bit of a late start to the wet season, but we’ll take what we can get 🙂

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